Miila Bijou is an 11 yr old Byron Bay artist and for the past year has been creating stunning artworks on the side of Byron Bay streets to raise money for the northern river floods.
She is in love with all things fashion design and art, living and breathing this lifestyle with her family until she is old enough to travel to New York and attend art school.

SMM “Miila is not only extremely gifted, she’s also an inspiration; and we couldn’t be prouder to put her artwork and flair for style at the forefront of our brand and work alongside her to launch Style My Mini”

Q & A with Miila Bijou
Who inspires your style?
My mum told me that from when I was little I always knew what I wanted to wear and it’s a family joke that sometimes it takes ten outfit changes before we leave the house because I feel that what I’m wearing needs to match my mood. So I guess it’s my moods that inspire me.
What are your favourite fashion Labels?
My favourite labels are Millk, Bobo Choses and lots of Spanish brands but there are so many beautiful Australian labels - some of them are just starting to go up to bigger sizes now which is so good. I really love soft fabrics. For me the outfit has to feel good and look good.
Why did you choose to collab with Style My Mini?
I really loved the idea - I think it’s so cool. Plus they are so lovely. Style my Mini has really good taste too - I like labels that are not too complicated and made with natural fabrics. I think it’s really awesome that they are supporting Australian labels too.
Your Artwork is so unique. How did you discover your love for drawing?
I have been drawing since I can remember. Always doodling. But it was when we were in lockdown last year for 4.5 months I really had the time to draw as much as I wanted and I really fell in love with doing one line drawings. It was actually an online school art project to try and draw a face with one line - and once I started I couldn’t stop.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
An artist. I was born in New York City so I have a dream to maybe go to Art School there one day when I’m older - but we’ll see. I would also like to be a fashion designer because I could design clothes my own way. I am currently designing costumes for our end of year school performance which is really fun.
What does a weekend with Miila look like?
Wake up early, sing (which annoys my sister) - sit at the table in the morning sun and draw - take our neighbours dog for a walk down to our local coffee shop and get mum a coffee - then usually make a plan to head out for the day into nature... beach or a bushwalk, eat yummy food, catch up with friends, watch a movie if it’s raining - things like that. I also spend time on the weekends drawing portraits for people - which I really love.
Describe your style in three words…
Creative, Breezy, cool.
What do you look for when purchasing your pieces?
A good fit is really important to me. I’m very particular about that. I like pieces that are unique and comfortable.